Sesame seeds (Til) juice

During summers, body requires more and more liquid. Our taste buds asks for more variety of juices. You have already learnt how to prepare Ragi Juice & Poppy Seeds Juice. Here is another juice recipe - Sesame seeds juice. Sesame seeds are rich in calcium, which is good for bones and also rice in antioxidants - slows down ageing. Sesame seeds are available in black, white (its also called Nylon) and light brown. Suggested to use light brown for the juice.


Sesame seeds – 100 grams
Grated Jaggery – Around 1/4 kg
Water – 1 Litre
Ice cubes (optional)


Soak the sesame seeds grains in water for 15-20 minutes.

Blend the soaked sesame seeds, jaggery and cardamom in a blender by gradually adding water until it becomes a smooth liquid. Then, filter the juice through a strainer. Can add ice cubes as well. You can add more water based on how much sweet you would like to drink.

Simple, refreshing sesame juice is now ready!
