Turkey berry chutney / Kudane chutney / Sundakkai chutney


Turkey berry - 1/4 kg
Onion - 2 medium sized
Green chillies - 4
Tamarind - 1/2 medium lemon sized
Grated coconut - 5 spoons
Oil - 2 spoons
Salt to taste


Remove the stem of the turkey berry and wash them.

Remove the skin of onions and chop them into small pieces. Chop the green chillies into pieces.

Heat a thick bottomed kadai. Add oil, green chillies. Roast for 2 minutes, add onions and roast for 3 minutes. Now add turkey berry and roast for about 15 minutes. 

Allow it cool down.

Now grind roasted turkey berry, onions, green chillies along with tamarind, salt, grated coconut and little water. Transfer the contents on to a vessel.

Yummy chutney is ready to serve.

Turkey berry chutney, Sundakkai chutney, Kudane chutney, Turkey berry chutney, turkey berry recipes, sundakkai recipes, sunda kayi recipes, kudane recipes, kudane pickle, Solanum torvum recipes, pendejera recipes, Bhankatiya recipes, bhurat recipes, chunndakkai recipes, Chundanga recipes,  Usthikaya recipes, katai recipes
