When you are looking for alternate options for milk and curd, peanut milk and curd can be easy and economical option. One cup of peanut can give you 4 cups of milk.
Recipe courtesy - Ganapati
Peanut - 1 cup
Green chilles - 2
Green chilles - 2
Wash and soak 1 cup of peanuts in 2 cups of water for about 4 hours.
Drain out the water. Finely grind the soaked peanuts using 2 cups of water. Filter the ground mixture using a stainer or a muslin cloth. Add 2 more cups of water and keep it on stove, bring it to boil. Switch off the stove and allow it to cool down.
Peanut milk is ready.
Take half portion of milk, chop green chillies and add it to milk. Add stem as well. Close the vessel with a lid and allow it to ferment overnight.
Curd will be ready next morning.
Please note peanut residues can be added to dosa batter.

Peanut milk, peanut curd, vegan milk, vegan curd, vegan recipes, shenga milk, shenga curd
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