Whole wheat halwa

Whole wheat halwa - takes me back to childhood memory lane. My mother and aunts together they used to cook the halwa and we all used to enjoy eating the same. They used to take out the wheat milk and make; but i prefer whole wheat as such. If you have patience to cook for long time and appetite to eat yummy and healthy halwa, please try.

Whole wheat - 5 Cups
Jaggery Powder - 5 Cups
Cardamom Powder - 1 spoon
Ghee - 1/2 Litre

Wash and soak whole wheat for about 7 to 8 hours. Remove the water and grind the wheat along with 3/4 cup of water for each cup of wheat. Grind into fine paste.

Heat a thick bottomed Kadai. Add 5 cups of Jaggery powder and 1 cup of water. Let jaggery melt completely. Now add wheat paste, cardamom powder and stir continuously. 

Once the wheat is slightly cooked (for about 5 minutes), start adding ghee. Ghee has to be added frequently and also stirred frequently so that the ingredients does not stick to bottom of the vessel. Ensure to keep medium flame.

Cook for about minimum of 45 minutes. More we cook, tastier the Halwa. 

Grease a steel plate and transfer the contents on to the plate. Allow it to cool.

Cut the same into square or diamond shape.
