Colocasia roots (Arbi) Raita

Arbi (known as colocasia roots/ taro / kesuvina gedde in Kannada) is rarely used vegetable in some of the households. It tastes yummy and nutritious, worth including in our dishes. Arbi Raita is the recipe i learnt from my father in law 15+ years ago. 

Recently when i visited one of our relatives in Gokarna, knowing my interest in different vegetables, Deepa Akka gifted me locally grown Arbi. I came back to Bangalore and cooked Raita and sharing the recipe here for you all to try.

Arbi - 1/2 kg
Grated coconut - 6 to 7 spoons
Curd - 1/4 litre
Green chillies - 5 to 6
Mustard seeds - 1 spoon
Onions - 2 to 3 medium sized
Salt to taste

Soak the arbi in water for about 15 minutes so that it is easier to wash. Cleanly wash it and put it into a pressure cooker. Add 2 cups of water and cook it for about 4 whistles. 

Stain out the water from cooker and remove the skin of arbi. Squeeze the cooked arbi using hand. It should not be too pulpy. Alternatively you can cut it into small pieces.

Wash the onions, remove the skin and chop them into fine pieces. 

Grind grated coconut along with mustard seeds and green chillies by adding the curd. Masala is ready. Now add this masala and chopped onion, salt to squeezed arbi and mix well. 

Optionally you can add the tempering with a spoon of oil and mustard seeds.

You can serve this with rice.
