Ridge gourd curry

Ridge gourd (ಹೀರೆಕಾಯಿ in Kannada) curry - this is a north Karnataka style recipe which i ate in my friend, Sheela's house around 7-8 years back. I loved the taste, especially enhanced taste from roasted peanuts. Try it out and let me know.

Ridge gourd - 2
Onion - 4 medium sized
Tomato - 3 medium sized
Peanuts - 3 spoons
Salt to taste

Oil - 3 spoons
Bengal gram dal - 1 spoon
Mustard seeds - 1/2 spoon
Green Chillies - 3
Turmeric powder - 1 pinch
Curry leaves - 7 to 8

Wash the ridge gourd and remove the popped out edges like shown in the picture. Cut into small pieces. Remove the skin of the onions and cut it into small pieces. Chop the tomoatoes and green chillies as well as shown in the picture. 

Roast the peanuts using extremely low flame until its finely roasted. Allow it to cool down and grind to make coarse powder.

Heat a thick bottomed kadai. Add the oil, bengal gram dal, mustard seeds and turmeric powder. When mustard seeds starts spattering, add green chillies and curry leaves and roast it for 15 seconds. Add onions and roast it till they turn golden brown. Now add tomatoes and roast it for one minute.

Add chopped ridge gourd and salt, little water, close the lid and cook it till it becomes soft. Add peanut powder and mix well, cook for one more minute and switch of the stove.

Ridge gourd curry is ready to serve.


  1. Thanks for this tasty and healthy recipe. It tasted delicious with chapatis.


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