Fenugreek seeds & Cumin Seeds Tambuli (Raita)

Tambuli or Tambli: Translated in Kannada as "Tampu" means cold / cooling and  "Huli" means sour. 

Ingredients of Tambuli:  A small quantity of vegetables or spices grinded along with coconut is mixed with large quantity of butter milk. Sometimes this can also be added up with seasoning for better taste. However seasoning is optional.

Here is the recipe of Fenugreek seeds and Cumin seeds Tambuli. This recipe has
cooling properties for the body.


Fenugreek Seeds - 3 spoons
Cumin Seeds - 1.5 spoons
Red Chillies - 3 to 4 
Grated Coconut -  1/4th  Cup 
Jaggery - 2 medium lemon sized
Curd - 1/4th cup OR Butter milk - 3 cups
Salt to taste
Oil - 1 spoon


Roast Fenugreek, cumin seeds along with chopped red chillies by adding a spoon of oil. Please ensure to use extremely low flame so as to roast properly.

Allow it to cool for about 5 minutes.

In a mixer grinder add all the ingredients and finely grind the contents along with curd / butter milk. Transfer contents to a vessel.

This is bittery sweet dish. Please note that jaggery added will reduce the bitterness of Fenugreek seeds to some extent. If you do not like bitterness taste at all, you may refrain from trying out this recipe.

Recipe courtesy: Shantaram Siddheshwar, my late father in law.
