Menthya adige / Wheat & Fenugreek Seeds Leha

ಮೆಂತ್ಯದ ಅಡಿಗೆ (Menthya adige / Menthyada adige) / Wheat & Fenugreek Seeds Leha is age old recipe of Malenadu. Its usually given for new moms to strengthen the body (after a month of baby is born) and also to the people working on farms during heavy workload. It has to be eaten in the empty stomach for a course of 5 or 7 days to improve the strength.


Wheat flour – 2 cups
Fenugreek Seeds – ½ Cup
Powdered Jaggery – 2 and 1/2 Cup
Ghee – 1 Cup
Water – 2 and 1/2 cup


Heat a thick bottomed Kadai. Pour the wheat flour on to it. Roast it in medium flame till you can start feeling the Aroma / flour color starts changing to dark brown. Switch off the flame and keep it aside.

Dry roast the Fenugreek seeds in very low flame of heat till you get very nice aroma. It takes about 3-4 minutes for it to roast. Allow it to cool. Grind the roasted Fenugreek seeds in a dry mixer grinder.

If you have powdered Jaggery, then its easy for you. Otherwise you can grate the Jaggery using a grater to turn the chunk into powder. We can also use mortal & Pestle to make the powder.

On to a thick bottomed Kadai, pour the Jaggery powder and water and allow it to boil. Keep stirring. As Jaggery gets dissolved in water and its getting boiled, add roasted wheat flour, Fenugreek seeds powder and stir it thoroughly so that all ingredients get mixed well. Slowly start adding ghee little by little and keep on stirring. Ensure that the mixture does not stick to the bottom. Continue this for about 30 minutes. That way this Leha can be eaten for about a week without refrigerating.

Roasted Fenugreek seeds

Roasted Wheat flour

Powdered Jaggery

ಮೆಂತ್ಯದ ಅಡಿಗೆ / Menthyada Adige

Menthyada Adige, Menthya leha, Newmothers food, healthy food, Methi leha, Methi wheat leha, new mom food, bananthi adige, bananthi recipes, bananti recipes, bananti recipes, new mom diet, bananti diet, body strengthening food


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