Fenugreek Seeds Chutney / Menthya Gojju

ಮೆಂತ್ಯ ಗೊಜ್ಜು / Fenugreek seeds Chutney tastes bittery, sweet, spicy and tangy. Its a very good combination to have along with rice.

Fenugreek Seeds – 4 spoons
Red Chillies - 8 to 10
Tamarind - 1 small lemon sized
Jaggery - 1 big lemon sized
Coconut - 1/2 medium sized
Oil - 1 spoon
Salt to taste
Finely roast the Fenugreek seeds along with red chillies and oil in very low flames until it turns golden brown.
Allow it to cool down.
Grate the coconut and grind all the ingredients together in a mixer grinder / blender into very fine paste.
Feunugreek seeds chutney is ready to serve.

