Sweet Potato Paratha

When I am looking for a different recipe for breakfast or dinner, sweet potato Paratha comes to my rescue:). Here is the recipe. Do try and share your comments.


Sweet Potato - 1/2 Kg
Onions - 2 to 3 medium sized
Green Chillies - 4 to 5
Dhaniya Powder - 1 spoon
Saunf - 1/2 spoon
Oil - 4 to 5 spoons
Wheat flour - 4 Cups
Salt to taste


For dough
In a broad vessel, pour the wheat flour and salt. Add 1 cup of warm water and knead well for about 10 mins.  Add 2 spoons of oil and knead well again. Keep it aside.

For filling
Wash and cook the sweet potatoes in a pressure cooker by adding 2 cups of water. Allow it to cool.

Remove the skin of the sweet potato and mash them. Now add finely chopped onion, green chillies, and Dhaniya powder, Saunf seeds, salt and mix well. As an alternative for Dhaniya powder, you can also add finely chopped coriander leaves.

Pull the wheat dough to the size of a lemon and roll it over using a rolling pin. Place two spoons of sweet potato filling on the flattened dough and close it. Spread some wheat flour all over the dough and make the Paratha. Please note that Paratha should be slightly thick so that we can feel the taste of the sweet potato filling.

Heat a thick Tava. Spread oil on top of it. Now cook the sweet potato paratha on both the sides by applying little oil.

Our yummy sweet potato Paratha is ready... 

Sweet Potato - washed, cooked & mashed

Other ingredients being added
Filling is ready
Paratha making

Paratha - Ready to eat

