Curd – 1 cup
Ripe tomato - 1
Roasted peanut powder - 1 spoon
Salt to taste
Cut the doddapatre leaves & tomato into small pieces. Mix both of them. Add roasted peanut powder, salt and mix well. Just before having it, add curd and mix well. You can eat this with plain rice.
Recipe Courtesy - My active aunt Vijaya R Hegde, Dharwad

Doddapatre raita, dodda patre raita, Sambar Balli Raita, Samabar soppu raita, Sambar balli sasme, dodda patre sasme, doddapatre sasme, peanut recipes, doddapatre recipes, dodda patre recipes, sambar balli recipes, sambar soppu recipes, Coleus amboinicus recipes, Coleus amboinicus raita, medicinal plant recipes
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