Surali kudi tambuli / Kanne kudi tambuli

The region of Malenadu has lot of medicinal plants that grow wild, whose leaves, roots, herbs and barks are used in cooking. Surali kudi (also called as Kanne kudi or sorle kudi) is one such widely available herb in areca farms or other places where there is shade.  

Amma prepares surali kudi tambuli and chutney. Am sharing the tambuli recipe which I prepared when I visited Koppa (in Chickamagaluru dist) recently.

Surali Kudi - 10 to 12 leaves

Jeera / Cumin seeds - 1/2 spoon
Grated coconut - 8 to 10 spoons
Red / Green chillies - 2
Butter milk - 1 cup
Butter / oil - 1 spoon
Salt to taste

Wash and chop the surali leaves. Heat a kadai. Add butter or oil. Add cumin seeds, red chillies. Stir for 10 seconds. Add chopped surali leaves and roast it for about 2-3 minutes. Allow it to cool down.

Grind roasted surali leaves along with grated coconut and butter milk using a mixer grinder. Add salt and mix weell.

Optionally add tempering / oggarane.

Can serve this with rice. 

Surali kudi tambuli, Sorle kudi tambuli, kanne kudi tambuli, chinese weed recipes, surali kudi recipes, surli kudi tambuli, surli kudi recipes, sorle kudi recipes, surali soppu recipes, surali soppu tambuli, kanne soppu tambuli, kanne soppu recipes
