Jackfruit Jam

Jackfruit - 30 to 35 pieces (Read as Halasina hannina thoLe in Kannada)
Sugar - 3 cups
Lemon - 1/2 medium sized

Remove the jackfruit seeds and cut the them into small vertical pieces as shown in the photo below. 

Heat a vessel and add 3 cups of sugar and 1.5 cups of water and bring it to boil. When the sugar is completely dissolved and starts thickening, add chopped jackfruit pieces and cook for about 15 minutes. Switch off the flame and allow it to cool. 
Add lemon as a preservative and mix well. 

Note: - You can cook the sugar syrup for about 5 minutes after sugar gets dissolved; It should not be even thin thread consistency.

You can serve this jam with Idli, Dosa, Chapati etc. This can be preserved without refrigerating for about a week. 
