Indian Sweet Momo / Sweet Dumplings / ಕಾಯಿ ಕಡುಬು / Kayi kadubu

Indian Sweet Momo (called as ಕಾಯಿ ಕಡುಬು, Kayi Kadubu in Kannada) is a variety of stuffed 
sweet steamed dumplings. This dish is one of the dishes that my mother makes during Naga Panchami (a Hindu festival where Naaga, the snake god is being worshipped) and also during Ganesh Chaturthi (one of the widely celebrated Hindu festival).

Here is the recipe. The process is pretty lengthy and time consuming. But you will feel worth it when you start eating..  Do try it out and share your comments.


For stuffing

Grated coconut - 2 cups
Powdered Jaggery - 1.5 cups
Water - 0.5 cup
Cardamom powder - 1/2 spoon

For outer layer
Rice - 2 cups
Water - 2 cups
Ghee/Butter - 2 spoons


Heat a thick bottomed Kadai and add jaggery powder and water. When the jaggery completely gets dissolved, add grated coconu and cardamom powder. Keep on stirring so that the mixture does not stick to the Kadai. It takes about 10 mins for it to get into solid consistency. Now switch off the flame and allow it to cool.

Outer layer
Wash and soak rice for about 3 hours. Remove the water and grind the rice in a mixer grinder by gradually adding water (2 cups). Consistency should be thinner than Dosa batter. 

Transfer the contents to a thick bottomed Kadai. Switch on the stove and cook the content in medium flame. Keep on stirring so that dough consistency will be even. When the batter becomes solid (consistency should be such that you should be able to make balls from the dumplings) - let's call this dough. Switch off the flame.

Note:- My father-in-law taught me to add some jaggery to this batter as well before cooking so that even the outer layer tastes sweet... you can choose to do so depending on your sweet appetite:)

Final preparation
Take 1/4 quantity of dough and apply some ghee/butter and knead well. Take medium lemon sized dough and press it using fingers of both the hands so that you can make it bowl shaped. Keep one spoon of already prepared stuffing. Close the bowl sized dough using fingers.

Cook this in a steamer for about 15 minutes. Allow it to cool for another 10 minutes. Yummy Sweet Dumplings is ready to serve. It tastes awesome with ghee.

Stuffing preparation

Preparing the dough for outer layer

Making the dumpling
Ready to be cooked

Sweet Dumplings - Ready to eat
